Our vision is to be a contemplative Christian Church; trusting God as we navigate the tensions of life.

Hello! We’re Contemplative Church Twin Cities. We are building a community that gathers intentionally around contemplative practices and shared values instead of around specific dogma. We strive to be a safe, open, and affirming space for questions, dialogue, and people in all stages of their life with God.

We’d love for you to join us!

Shared Values


We pay attention to our inner life, believing that the Holy Spirit helps us become better listeners to God, ourselves, and others.


We welcome God’s spiritual reality through authentic, hospitable, curious community.


We are centered around God and God’s invitation to grace through Jesus Christ, which we approach through both the Scriptures and Spiritual Practices.


We maintain a posture of humility, openness, and safety in all of our relationships; welcoming diverse backgrounds, beliefs and religious experiences.


We see and validate the tensions present in ourselves and the world around us by balancing doing with being, power with submission, and spiritual with practical.